e.l.f. Cosmetics


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weight Loss.. Ups, Downs, and Overs

I'm no stranger to weight loss struggles. I've always been on the "more than average" side. I knew managing my weight was important since I was a small child, my grandmother used to try to get me to eat yogurt instead of ice cream. It never worked, no matter how fun she made it seem, I always opted for ice cream, I always have. That's half my issue. I have the self discipline of a housefly. I love all things sweet. I'm not that adventurous when it comes to trying new dinner items, but bring out the dessert cart and it's got chocolate involved I'll try it no questions asked.

I've tried homeopathic weight loss remedies. Drinking disgusting little green slimy concoctions that are supposed to cleanse me. I've tried fasting, that just left me starved enough to attack one of the cows that are always in the field by our house. I've tried the ole vinegar and honey diet, you make a shot glass full of vinegar and honey and down it right before you eat. It's supposed to make you feel full so you'll eat less. All it did for me was make me wretch so much I had no desire to have anything to eat.

I've found that hitting the library or local bookstore, and just skimming thru the weight loss section is helpful. I've gleaned enough from all the books I've read to put my own little spin on my weight management. And I've come to terms that genetics will get you every time. If you see a woman with legs up to her shoulder blades and thin as pole, my money is one the fact that someone in her family is like that also. It doesn't matter if you starve yourself to the point of death, some of us will never be thin. If it's not in your genes, it's not going to happen no matter how hard you try and you're wasting valuable time trying.

My advice is stop listening to the commercials with the stick thin blonde with the giant boobs talk about how she got that bikini body by popping some pills. It's not real life. If you buy those pills the only thing that's gonna lose anything is your bank account. Take control of your nutrition, feed your machine. But be active as well. Do some research and find out what works for you.

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